Do you want to combine your study of the Arabic language with an internship? Then you’ve come to the right place.
Put your Arabic language skills to work by adding valuable, community development experience and references to your CV. We encourage you to get involved in the positive work happening in and around Jordan. By serving and connecting with others, you will enhance your understanding of the culture and of the region itself.
To facilitate your involvement, Qasid helps provide students with opportunities for hands-on, unpaid work experience in the areas of Social and Relief Services, Education, Business Administration, Marketing | IT | Social Media, Diplomacy, International Relations, Politics, Tourism, Media and Journalism, and Human rights and Development amongst others.
Here are a few answers about how it all works
- Am I eligible for an internship?To qualify you must be enrolled in Qasid’s core program, at least part time, and the internship may not conflict with your class schedule or affect your class.
- What kind of work would I do?You will be placed in an area that reflects your interests, previous work experience, and educational background, subject to the availability of positions and pending acceptance from the employer.
- What hours would I work?Your work schedule will depend upon the agreement made between yourself and the placement provider, as long as it does not encroach on your Qasid classes.
- What is the duration of the internship?The length of the internship depends upon the agreement made between you, the Qasid Internship Committee, and the placement provider. However, most placements require a minimum of 2 months’ commitment, and 10 hours per week, according to the schedule they demand from the student.
- How will I benefit?You benefit by gaining practical, real-world experience, living a sample of life in a chosen field, and through networking opportunities. You will stand out to future employers with your cross-cultural skills and sensitivity, and increased language proficiency, thus improving your chance to get a job offer working in another country.
- Are there opportunities for any kind of certification?Upon successful completion of the internship, you will receive a certificate of completion and a personal reference from Qasid.
- How many applicants are normally accepted?The acceptance rate varies. As long as you meet the requirements, you have a strong advantage over those who do not meet the requirements.
- Are you able to provide a list of agencies that students have worked for in the past?Among many other agencies, Qasid students have worked with UNRWA, Johud, The Jordan Times, Global Nomads Group, Injaz, Arab Institute for Security Studies, Souriat Across Boarders, Humanitarian Family Aid, Jordan Institute of Diplomacy, Energy Conservation Society, Al Hayat Center for Civil Society Development, Reclaim childhood, etc.
Application details
To see what opportunities are available, please contact us at The internship application period begins 4 weeks before the start of each term. Application requirements include:
- a copy of your passport
- a detailed CV
- a statement of purpose
- any other relevant personal information (special needs, preferences, goals, etc.)
Selection Process
After completing the internship application and paying the internship fee and potentially refundable deposit, each applicant will be assessed and reviewed by the Qasid Internship Committee. Acceptance is not guaranteed; individuals will be selected based on their education, skills, language capabilities, leadership experience, purpose, and length of stay. If there is a potential match with a placement provider, the applicant will be contacted to go for further interviews. Of course, if a match is not found, the student will have their fee refunded.
To apply for an internship abroad through Qasid’s Internship Committee the following procedures and fees apply.
Application process
- You agree to the terms and conditions (see below) for Qasid to facilitate an internship for you.
- You submit the application form.
- For Qasid to start the Internship facilitation process you agree to pay an initial 100 JD deposit (payment details below) to cover a portion of the staff hours required in these logistics. The placement process will begin only after this fee is complete.
- If a placement is not found, you will be refunded the initial 100 JD deposit.
- If you withdraw from the allocated internship (prior to the placement commencement) once the placement has been found for you, you forfeit the initial 100 JD deposit.
- Upon the matching of a placement to your preferences, where an internship is found a payment balance of 250 JD is required during your first week of interning. Making the total internship facilitation fee 350 JD. (100 JD deposit + the remaining 250 JD amount)
- If you withdraw from your allocated internship placement after the first week of interning then you forfeit the entire 350 JD in deposits and fees.
Terms & Conditions
- You agree for Qasid to facilitate and coordinate an internship for you.
- Qasid reserves the right to cancel any internship placement if any of the terms below are not fulfilled.
- You are to actively work with your assigned representatives from the Qasid Internship Committee to find a reasonable placement.
- You are to attend all scheduled internship interviews, evaluation reviews or other official appointments.
- You are to respond to the Qasid Internship Committee communications in a timely manner.
- You are to accept reasonable and suitable placements sourced for you. You acknowledge that Qasid has full discretion regarding these criteria, but will consider your opinions for suitability.
- You are not to act dishonesty, offensively, or in bad faith, as this jeopardizes Qasid’s relationship with placement providers and prevents future collaboration with them.
- You are to attend all internship work days and perform your functions to adequate levels, unless you provide a certified medical or emergency authorization approved by both Qasid and the internship provider.
- You are to avoid unbecoming conduct with any of the placement team members, including consensual, personal relationships outside of a professional, office setting for the duration of the program.
- You are to prevent loss, damage, or theft of equipment, materials, property, or information belonging to the placement provider.
- You are to complete and submit evaluations and assignments to the Qasid Internship Committee in a timely manner.
Participants who are deemed uncooperative will be notified by the Qasid Internship Committee, and may be dropped from the program with no refund of either the fees or the deposit. If you encounter a problem which renders the placement or its commute unsafe or unfeasible, an alternate site will be sourced for you at no extra cost, pending approval by the Qasid Internship Committee. The deposit, and all subsequent program fees paid are not refundable if you withdraw from the program for any reason. This includes discontinuing based on medical, personal, family, academic, financial, and all other situations, unless approved by the Qasid Internship Committee on a case-by-case basis. The deposit, and all subsequent program fees paid are fully refundable ONLY if the Qasid Internship Committee fails to procure a suitable placement for you.
A note of advice
Before committing yourself to any volunteer position, ensure you are comfortable with the pace of your Qasid course load so as not to fall behind. Remember, your success with Arabic (like anything) depends on giving it its due time.
The Qasid Arabic Institute does not sponsor or endorse in any way the agencies allocated for student internships, nor their affiliates or subsidiary organizations. What happens at the placement site, from any of the provider’s employees, does not reflect upon Qasid, nor is Qasid responsible for anything that happens during the placement. If you would like to recommend organizations other than those currently on our list, please feel free to forward their names to us at