<!-- wp:group {"className":"TermsInfoGroup","layout":{"type":"flex","orientation":"vertical"}} --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> ### Onsite and Online Programs Updates & Next Steps <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:list {"className":"buttonRowBlock"} --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - [2023 Summer Term](/academics/2023-summer-term-onsite-online/) - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - [2023 Fall Term](/academics/2023-fall-term-onsite-online/) - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - [2024 Winter Term](/academics/2023-fall-term-onsite-online/) - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - [COVID-19 in Jordan and Onsite Studies](/student-life/update-on-covid-19-in-jordan/) - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> <!-- /wp:group --> <!-- wp:group {"className":"ProgramsGroup","layout":{"type":"flex","orientation":"vertical"}} --> <!-- wp:heading --> ## Program Offerings <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> Qasid's core program is our two-track division into Classical and Modern Standard Arabic. Immediate specialization is the fastest and most effective way for students to move toward mastery. Its then with this in mind, that Qasid offers two full-time tracks to accomodate students with a myriad of needs and goals. <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:list {"className":"programsList"} --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - Modern Standard Arabic <!-- wp:list --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - Modern Standard refers to the standard literary and communicative language of the Middle East and North Africa, recognized as one of the UN’s six official languages. It is the common medium for nearly all formal communication, both printed and spoken. - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - ![](https://www.staging9.qasid.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Diplomat.png) - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - [Learn more](/academics/modern-standard-arabic/) - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - Classical Arabic <!-- wp:list --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - Classical Arabic refers primarily to the language of the Qur’an, and secondarily to the various texts and works that are directly inspired by both its form and content. Students receive direct exposure to Islamic legal, theological / philosophical and mystical texts from the classical and medieval periods. - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - ![](https://www.staging9.qasid.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Classical-Arabic.jpg) - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - [L](/academics/modern-standard-arabic/)[earn more](/academics/classical-arabic/) - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - Diplomats, Corporate, and Group Studies <!-- wp:list --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - Because of the wide-ranging backgrounds and areas of expertise of Qasid’s instructors, we are able to offer customizable educational packages to diplomats, as well as corporate and student groups. These can be arranged at any time of the year, and do not need to correspond to our established, normal-year academic calendar. - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - ![](https://www.staging9.qasid.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MSA.png) - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - [Learn more](/academics/diplomat-corporate-and-group-studies/) - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> <!-- /wp:group --> <!-- wp:group {"className":"OnlineGroup","layout":{"type":"flex","orientation":"vertical"}} --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":1} --> # Online & Distance Learning <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> Study with Qasid Arabic Institute, anywhere in the world. You can study Arabic by distance and flexible learning, allowing you to combine your studies with work or other commitments. <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> [Learn Arabic Online at a Distance with Qasid Online](http://qasidonline.com/) <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- /wp:group --> <!-- wp:group {"className":"PartnersGroup","layout":{"type":"flex","orientation":"vertical"}} --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":1} --> # Established University Partnerships <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> Harvard University | University of Oxford | Georgetown University | Center for Arabic Study Abroad | Brigham Young University | The California State University | SOAS (University of London | Exeter University | University of Oslo | North Carolina State University <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":1} --> # NGOs and Organizations <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> United Nations | US Department of State | Fulbright Commission | International Red Cross | UK Foreign Office | Canadian Foreign Ministry | Australian Department of Foreign Affairs | AMIDEAST | UNICEF | Centre for the British Research in the Levant <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- /wp:group --> <!-- wp:group {"className":"TestimonialsGroup","layout":{"type":"flex","orientation":"vertical"}} --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":1} --> # Hear from our students <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> Qasid hosts students belonging to a variety of nationalities, professions and faiths. Our admissions criteria focus as much on leadership and skills demonstrated through civic involvement as much as they do on GPA, giving birth to an elect student body representing extraordinary diverse perspectives. <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:list --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - ![](http://www.staging8.qasid.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/student_oludamini_o@2x.jpg) <!-- wp:list --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - Qasid’s skills class forced me not only to speak, but also start thinking in Arabic, and made me less self-conscious about my mistakes and more comfortable expressing myself in Arabic. Also speaking with my neighbors and the Qasid staff every day made me more confident in my basic conversation skills. <!-- wp:list --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - Oludamini Ogunnaike - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - PHD Candidate, African Studies and Religion, Harvard University - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - ![](http://www.staging8.qasid.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/student_jennifer_g@2x.jpg) <!-- wp:list --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - I found Qasid’s curriculum to be unique in its ability to convey an understanding of how and why the language works. Additionally, living in Amman for a summer gave me the opportunity to practice what I was learning in class in real life situations. The best part of the Qasid experience is having the opportunity to learn from such incredible Arabic instructors! <!-- wp:list --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - Jennifer Gordon - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - PHD Candidate, History and Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - ![](http://www.staging8.qasid.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/student_rami_a@2x.jpg) <!-- wp:list --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - I found Qasid’s program and schedule more convenient than my experience in Cairo because of the consistency. Also, I actually had more chances to speak Arabic with the local population in Amman than I found in with my experience in Egypt. Overall, I found Qasid a more effective program geared towards my goals as an Arabic learner. <!-- wp:list --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - Rami Abdoch - <!-- /wp:list-item --> - <!-- wp:list-item --> - Arts, Anthropology/Sociology, Philosophy, History, Rhodes College - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> - <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- /wp:list --> <!-- /wp:group -->